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Friday, November 17

Following the announcement that Safaricom shares will be sold at NSE(today’s Nation), investors are now spoilt for choice with the long queue of juicy offerings in line. These include: Safaricom, Mumias, Kenya RE and Telkom not necessarily in that order.

Safaricom: The performance of the KenGen IPO continues to baffle many and has become a reference point on anything shares. However its reign might now be overtaken by Safaricom. When it comes, the stampede might resemble wildebeest migration in Masai Mara. KenGen attractions included: 1.Name recognition(proximity to prospective investors). 2.Geographical spread of agents(KCBs network). 3. Stability(Government ownership brings sense of security). Safaricom has these plus. Besides recently overthrowing EABL in profit leadership, the company is in the fast expanding ICT industry. Its management seems to understand business is about numbers and continue to penetrate the grassroots.

Mumias: The company has held its own since listing on the exchange and has put smiles to a lot of its investors. Its management has announced ambitious plans: penetrating the Tana delta and acqusition of the ugly ducklings of the sugar industry. Trail blazing if anything and unprecedented in Kenya.

Kenya RE: The company is good on most fundamentals(2003 study) . It has a strong asset base. Its staff complement is also small which is an attraction. However with the coming of Safaricom its attraction has to be behind the big giant queue.

Telkom: I am still not convinced that the proponents are serious on listing. May be they will work some restructuring magic ! However with Safaricom jumping ahead of its limping owner, expect not to hear much about Telkom listing.

NSE rise
The interest in the stock exchange continues to baffle skeptics. They fail to notice that the Government monetary and fiscal policy shifted attraction from treasury bills to the current area of attraction. . The big players, Banks, Insurance Companies and Fund managers look for areas where they can achieve their objectives. The investors therefore shift their funds depending on the attractiveness in terms of return, liquidity and the risk factor.

Secondly money from pension funds and retirement schemes is now remitted regularly and has to find a home.

Third a new savings culture is emerging particularly among the young(from land to other avenues).


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